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Monday, May 9, 2011

A Resurrection: Osama's Untold Death

Wow.  So much new news since Sunday that I really wanted to write about something else.  For me, Osama's been dead a long time and I'm really trying to decipher what's happening on this Grand Chess Board today.  Because the announcement of his death is huge and could very realistically have world and life changing implications.
    But... I promised in my last post that I'd explain why I believe that Osama has been dead for nine years, and those who know me know that I do not go back on my word (Word is bond, yo).  And, well, it is best that I get this published just so it's out there.  I did, after all, make a claim that made most people do a double-take, so I better explain myself.  So, without further ado...

    A Resurrection: Osama's Untold Death

    First, I'd like to put to rest a lot of disinformation going around that Osama bin Laden was murdered years ago (circa 2006).  So, I'll take just a moment to put those rumors to bed.  Here's that story...

    Debunking Osama's Previous Murder

    A lot of people in the geo-political circles keep barking at me about how Benazir Bhutto (two time Prime Minister of Pakistan who was assassinated in 2007) said on Larry King that Osama had been murdered. There are plenty of people still carrying that torch as evidence that Osama has been dead for years.  Yours truly believes she just mis-spoke and actually meant to say 'Daniel Pearl,' not only because the person she named was the one who actually murdered Daniel Pearl, but because she had been talking extensively about Osama prior to that statement and shortly thereafter (and in a subsequent interview), she made a public retraction, admitting as much.  And, all that's not to mention that she was worked with both the ISI and CIA.

    But, Bhutto is another post altogether..let's get back to the really juicy stuff....

    Caution:  Serious Shit Beyond This Point
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