DOJ Threatens Economic Terrorism Against Texas
Kills State's Bill Making Genital Groping by TSA Illegal
Wednesday, in response to the federal government's egregious threats to impose an economic 'no-fly zone,' over Texas if the bill were to pass, which is both an act of economic terrorism and an act of war, hundreds of liberty-loving patriots stormed the Texas State Capitol building in protest. The protest, encouraged on air by local radio talk show host Alex Jones, was spontaneous and effective.
Thanks to the TSA, tensions between U.S. states and the federal government are heating up. More and more people are becoming aware that the true agenda of the TSA is not to make air travel safe (because checking a baby’s diapers for poop bombs is not security) but rather to indoctrinate the public into accepting government molestation at security checkpoints that are now being set up at places like the high school prom dance!
Talk of Texas seceding from the US has always existed, and radio host Alex Jones, speaking from Austin, says the sentiment is very strong as of late. The Lonestar State can pull out from the Union whenever it likes, he says, and he argues that the oil-rich state would be much better off if it broke off from the USA.
If it were up to me, I choose the latter. Would it not be great to have a leader in the White House whose solemn beliefs would move this country back to its roots of liberty and freedom? How difficult would it be to simply vote for such a man in such an overwhelming manner that all the voting crimes ever devised and employed in every election, would not even make a dent? Can we not put all the distraction-issues aside, like government health care (fyi: prisoners have free health care), and other nanny-state expansions of gov't control, and simply make freedom and liberty the number one priority for this country? Could we all stand behind a candidate who knows that he does not have all the answers, but believes that returning to the foundation of this country as defined by the founding fathers in the Constitution and Bill of Rights is a damn good place to start? If so, then only one candidate rises to the top.

Kills State's Bill Making Genital Groping by TSA Illegal
In yet another egregious example of the TSA's addiction to violating the rights of American citizens, two injured US military veterans traveling to a ceremony to honor the lives of fallen friends who gave their lives to protect the rights enshrined in the Constitution were harassed by TSA thugs, with one of them having his crotch grabbed, according to David Bellow, an Army National Guardsman and a State Republican Executive Committeeman. “One of the wounded warriors, a friend of mine who personally told me what happened, has bullet fragments in his leg. The other wounded warrior has shrapnel in his face,” wrote Bellow on the Texas GOP Vote website.
The TSA agents responded to the men having set off metal detectors by interrogating them about what they were hiding in their bodies. “What are you hiding in your face?” screamed one.
“My friend told me that one TSA agent came up to him and asked what he was hiding in his leg, but before my friend could answer he said that the TSA agent grabbed him, without notice, right in the crotch area as if trying to find something hidden,” writes Bellow. [read more on this story]
The TSA agents responded to the men having set off metal detectors by interrogating them about what they were hiding in their bodies. “What are you hiding in your face?” screamed one.
“My friend told me that one TSA agent came up to him and asked what he was hiding in his leg, but before my friend could answer he said that the TSA agent grabbed him, without notice, right in the crotch area as if trying to find something hidden,” writes Bellow. [read more on this story]
This, just days after the Department of Justice resorted to economic terrorism against Texas with an astounding threat to cancel airline flights to and from the state, if the Texas Senate passed HB 1937, a bill that would have made invasive pat downs, "intentionally, knowingly or recklessly touching anyone’s anus, sexual organ, buttocks or breasts, including touching through clothing, and any manner of touching that would be offensive to a reasonable person," by TSA agents a felony. The bill passed the House of Representatives almost unanimously with a 137-1 victory. The one dissenting vote was cast by Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, who, along with Speaker Joe Straus, the House Clerk, and the Senate Secretary, U.S. Attorney John E. Murphy, sent a letter to Texas lawmakers which threatened to cripple the state's airline industry if the legislators past the bill.
Patrick added that TSA officials had warned him that passing the bill "could close down all the airports in Texas," which he regarded as a 'heavy handed threat' by the federal government. The staff of Rep. David Simpson said the DOJ had “thrown down the gauntlet” in using such stark language to oppose the bill.
"Our law-abiding citizens should not be subjected to invasive searches that are embarrassing and humiliating," Sen. Patrick fumed.
If HR [sic] 1937 were enacted, the federal government would likely seek an emergency stay of the statute,” Murphy wrote. “Unless or until such a stay were granted, TSA would likely be required to cancel any flight or series of flights for which it could not ensure the safety of passengers and crew.David Dewhurts, working on behalf of the DOJ and against the will of the people, lobbied tirelessly to have the bill killed. Senator and the bill's sponsor Dan Patrick pulled the bill, remarking that TSA representatives had been "lobbying" the Texas Senate in an effort to mothball the legislation. He stated,
We urge that you consider the ramifications of this bill before casting your vote.
I will pull HB 1937 down, but I will stand for Liberty in the state of Texas.

"Our law-abiding citizens should not be subjected to invasive searches that are embarrassing and humiliating," Sen. Patrick fumed.
Either Texas backs off and continues to let government employees fondle innocent women, children and men as a condition of travel,” the staff wrote, “or the TSA [Transportation Safety Administration] has the authority to cancel flights or series of flights.In a point by point refutation of the DOJ letter, Simpson compared the battle against the TSA to the Texas revolutionary war against Mexico, writing,
....97 percent of people who go though the nation’s airports do not go through these offensive searches. And yet, a United States Attorney warns that flights to Texas could be shut down because TSA would not be able to ensure the safety of passengers and crew if agents could not touch genitals. Someone must make a stand against the atrocities of our government agents …
Gentlemen, we find ourselves at such a watershed moment today. The federal government is attempting to deprive the citizens of Texas of their constitutional rights under the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution and Article 1, Section 9, of the Texas Constitution. If we do not stand up for our citizens in the face of this depravation of their personal rights and dignity, who will?
The fact that the Department of Justice and the TSA have resorted to threats of economic terrorism in addition to underhanded lobbying techniques again illustrates the fact that the federal government is increasingly behaving like a criminal enterprise with total disregard for the Constitution. [Read more]
The man who was instrumental in working with the federal government to sabotage HB 1937 was Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, a former CIA agent, Bilderberg Group member, and establishment insider considered to be the wealthiest man in Texas politics.
“He came up with this elaborate political play to kill the bill without his fingerprints,” Sen. Patrick, R-Houston stated, adding, “His fingerprints are all over this.”
“Someone who will undermine his members and someone who will not stand up to the federal government — you have to ask yourself is that the kind of person that we need in the U.S. Senate,” Patrick said, adding that Dewhurst “sideswiped” him on Tuesday night by turning members against the bill.
Dewhurst is a creature of the federal government, having worked as a CIA agent and also served in the US State Department. He was also director of the state Task Force on Homeland Security.
During his tenure in the CIA in the early 1970′s, Dewhurst helped the U.S. government violently overthrow democratically elected regimes in South America to plunder their oil and other resources, including the coup that helped neo-nazi Bolivian Gen. Hugo Banzer Suárez come to power. Banzer was aided by notorious Nazi Klaus Barbie, the “butcher of Lyon,” who escaped France after the end of World War 2 to enter Bolivia.
So in Dewhurst we basically have a man who helped neo-nazis, as well as Nazi torture experts, overthrow legitimate governments in the 70′s now helping the Obama administration overthrow America in 2011, by protecting an army of TSA thugs who are being used to completely demolish constitutional rights.

Though the protest did not prevent the state Senate from cowering to the threats by the federal government, it did flush out many of the vipers hiding in the den.
There’s never a dull moment at the Texas Legislature. The House and Senate were going about their regular end-of-session business on Wednesday when loud screams could be heard coming from the rotunda. Outside the chambers, a group of mostly men and a few women were screaming, “Cri-mi-nal! Cri-mi-nal!” and “Treason! Treason!
The feds cannot keep relying on mafia-like behavior to preserve the ability of their criminal army of minimum wage perverts to molest children, at some point down the line lawmakers will have the guts to stand up and say no, and at that point a wave of TSA resistance will sweep legislatures across the country. Though I'm proud of the House of Representatives for drafting and unanimously passing the 'anti-groping bill,' I could not be more ashamed of the Texas Senate for cowering to such overt bluff by the federal government.
[Videos of protests]Thanks to the TSA, tensions between U.S. states and the federal government are heating up. More and more people are becoming aware that the true agenda of the TSA is not to make air travel safe (because checking a baby’s diapers for poop bombs is not security) but rather to indoctrinate the public into accepting government molestation at security checkpoints that are now being set up at places like the high school prom dance!
Talk of Texas seceding from the US has always existed, and radio host Alex Jones, speaking from Austin, says the sentiment is very strong as of late. The Lonestar State can pull out from the Union whenever it likes, he says, and he argues that the oil-rich state would be much better off if it broke off from the USA.
My fellow Texans and fellow liberty-loving patriots throughout this once great Republic need to make it very clear, and in no uncertain terms, to our elected representatives both in the house and senate, that we will no longer sit idley by while the federal government runs rough-shot, by means of coercion, collusion, intimidation, and terrorism over Constitutional and State's Rights.
The federal government is out of control; they are killing our republic and turning this country in to one giant prison, populated by second class citizens, and using the TSA as prison guards.
Whether it takes succeeding from the empire in hopes to restore individual liberty, or launching an organized, peaceful revolution to cast off the chains of tyranny and replace the current parasitic federal government, something needs to happen, and happen soon.
I'm not paranoid -- just a student of history...

The views expressed in this blog are mine, and should be yours as well.
If you disagree, know that you are wrong and be okay with that.