Obama to Syria: Let Slip the Dogs of War!
In April of this year President Barack Obama, claiming powers vested in him during an “International Economic Emergency” and “National Emergency” signed Executive Order 13572; Blocking Property of Certain Persons With Respect to Human Rights Abuses in Syria. Essentially, it gives him the power to seize assets of Syrians suspected of being complicit in human rights abuses.
This incredibly vague standard gives the president the power to determine who ends up with the control of wealth in Syria. The E.O. describes the broad accusations that can be deemed sufficient enough by the State Department or Treasury Department to render asset seizures:
(i) to be responsible for or complicit in, or responsible for ordering, controlling, or otherwise directing, or to have participated in, the commission of human rights abuses in Syria, including those related to repression;
(ii) to be a senior official of an entity whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order;
(iii) to have materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services in support of, the activities described in subsection (b)(i) of this section or any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to Executive Order 13338, Executive Order 13460, or this order; or
(iv) to be owned or controlled by, or to have acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to Executive Order 13460 or this order.
I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, find that Colonel Muammar Qadhafi, his government, and close associates have taken extreme measures against the people of Libya, including by using weapons of war, mercenaries, and wanton violence against unarmed civilians. I further find that there is a serious risk that Libyan state assets will be misappropriated by Qadhafi, members of his government, members of his family, or his close associates if those assets are not protected. The foregoing circumstances, the prolonged attacks, and the increased numbers of Libyans seeking refuge in other countries from the attacks, have caused a deterioration in the security of Libya and pose a serious risk to its stability, thereby constituting an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.This Executive Order was executed less than a month before the U.N. Security Council resolution for the so-called “No-Fly Zone” that has now festered into nightly bombings and untold civilian casualties of Libya’s capital city and the actual targeted assassination of their sovereign leader.
This appears to be the modern imperial playbook for starting preemptive humanitarian wars for the purpose of regime change.
Step one; seize the assets of the group currently running a country to weaken them.
Step two; build strategic popular support for humanitarian intervention.
Step three; bomb the humanity back into the country and kill the rightful leader.
Step four; install globalist puppets to control the flow of the country’s currency and assets.
Step five; move on to the next “oppressive” regime, bypassing the mirror of conscience.
One thing is for certain, Syria is next on the globalist chopping block despite the West’s clear involvement in spearheading the opposition movement there. The U.S. president can now conveniently claim the powers of international economic emergency and national emergency to circumvent any checks and balances to justify nearly any act of imperial tyranny. And 2011 is shaping up to be a Blitzkrieg by Western powers to take out the remaining global chess pieces that oppose their domination. This post first appeared on the Activist Post website. It has been a long standing tradition, and in fact, standard operating procedure for the IMF (Internaitonal Monetary Fund) and World Bank to first proposition a sovereign country to take out an unpayable loan for mountains of cash, and put their sovereign resources up for collateral. If they don't take a deal, well, then that leader is likely to either be conveniently "overthrown" or killed, and replaced with a leader who's willing to 'play ball.' It's A suckers deal, but a forbidden fruit that many leaders cannot resist the taste of, for they can shower great wealth and prosperity during their term(s). However, the orgy of wealth is short lived. The loan-sharks (IMF & WB) will come to collect and when the capital has been spent, rather than invested, the country is left bankrupt. Not to worry though, the international bankers never wanted the money back, because what they gave them was little more than digital numbers with no actual wealth to back it up. All they want in return is the country's resources. So, they forgive the debt in exchange for the collateral, being the legitimate natural wealth of the country. Once the country's wealth has been signed over, the new leader has a brand new line of unrepayable credit to spend; and the cycle begins again.
It seems now, the international banker's game of cheating the world out of, and stealing every possible country's wealth and natural resources has a new piece to play with. Not just any piece; the most powerful piece in the world and one they have been striving for ten generations to gain complete control over; the American government.
Now, all they must do is send a whisper to the White House. In response, covert action begins in some predetermined sovereign nation. Then, a signing statement is penned. Two or three months later, a NATO resolution is decreed, and the most powerful military force to ever inhabit the Earth is strategically unleashed to effect the Money Changer's agenda.
None of this has anything to do with "humanitarian" action, or "bringing democracy," or even to do with our national interests. It has, however, everything to do with transferring wealth and power from sovereign nations who aren't already under the thumb of the globalists
I've digressed....
Rewinding back to the wisdom of our founding fathers, we find specific language prohibiting these types of actions by the executive branch, and for a very good reason. With nothing more than a signing statement, Obama and previous presidents have circumvented the checks and balances that the Constitution put in place to prevent these exact types of scenarios.
Congress MUST take back the power to, in the name of We The People, authorize military action in any foreign country unless under direct attack or proven imminent threat of direct attack, or in direct defense of an attack. The "Commander in Chief" only holds that title with congressional approval; otherwise, he's little more than an overpaid diplomat.

Does that give another country, say China, the right to pen a signing statement allowing them to seize our assets and commence bombing our cities and killing our civilians in order to effect regime change? Maybe so. God knows someone needs to flush the sewage from D.C. and replace it with people of sound principles, morals, and the knowledge and wisdom handed down to us from the founding fathers; those of liberty and freedom for all who choose to call this Republic, 'home,' and willing to bare the responsibility of being sovereign individuals who are in command and control of their government. If we no longer have the will or fortitude to do that, then the path we are on today is the right one.
Remember, only 3% of the population supported the American Revolution and only 5% won it. And that, at the time, was against the largest, most dominant, sophisticated, and advanced military power in the world. If it comes down to it, just know that for every one person in the military willing to open fire on civilians here at home, there are a thousand who will stand by our side. And, it's my estimation that one in five who open fire on their brethren will only do it once before joining the side of liberty.
I do not call for nor condone violence, but we need to take a stand. We need to take a stand at every voting booth in this country and send a message to D.C. that We the People are DONE be trampled on. We are DONE having an illegitimate federal government murder and torture around the world in our name. We are DONE pretending that there's nothing we can do about the tyranny that has overcome the government that we are solely responsible for having in power.
I did not start this post, or intend to bring him up in any way - but if you are as fed up as I am, then I strongly urge you to support Ron Paul for President, 2012! It's not a republican thing, it's not a democrat thing. It's a freedom and liberty thing, and that's a hell of a good place to start!
I'm not paranoid -- just a student of history...

The views expressed in this blog are mine, and should be yours as well.
If you disagree, know that you are wrong and be okay with that.