Queue the circus music and Bring in the Clowns
It has only been six days since the President's announcement on "May Day," (May 1st, 2011), and already the Obama administration and the media have made so many flubs, statements and retractions, released faked and staged photos, and contradictory stories, that poor Jay Carney can do little more than flounder and stutter at the podium to the media's questions.
Worse yet, anyone who tries to have a conversation with their friends or family about this monumental news, ends up just as confused because the story keeps changing faster than headlines and bi-lines can be printed or posted.
Before I get in to what the administration has said, then retracted and corrected, then retracted and corrected again, and again, and again, I'd like to start with the most amusing part of this clumsy gov't and main stream media debacle, which is the images that have been released to the public in order either prove or support Obama's story of bin Laden being killed on Sunday, May 1st.
First on the list of images is the Official White House Photo by Pete Souza. We've all seen it. The White House originally told the press that this picture was taken as Obama and key aides "followed in real time," 'apparently on a screen that is out of shot in the White House Situation Room,' as special forces swooped on Osama bin Laden.
The agonizing "minutes passed like days," they went on to say. White House Counterterrorism advisor John Brennan added, "It was probably one of the most anxiety-filled periods of time, I think, in the lives of the people who were assembled here yesterday."
We were also told by the cooperative media that, "The leader of the free world saw the terror chief shot in the left eye." Proof positive that the Navy Seals shot and killed Osama that night. The Commander in Chief saw the 'double tap' head shot, live on helmet cam!
It was also reported that, "US President Barack Obama along with his high-level team, watched live coverage in the White House, as the commandos gunned down the world's most wanted terrorist, [emphasis added] Osama bin Laden via a video camera fixed to the helmet of a US Navy Seal."
Based on the White House press statements, Fox News ran with, "National Security Team Watched Raid in Real Time." All the main stream media outlets boasted the same sentiment (CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, BBC) and the whole world was given the distinct impression that our President and key staff watched intently as the whole ordeal unfolded in real time right before their eyes. That is, until the director of the CIA botched the story.
Two days later, Leon Panetta, revealed there was a blackout during the raid. "We had some observation of
the approach there, but we did not have direct flow of information as to the actual conduct of the operation itself as they were going through the compound."
Apparently, when the Souza photo was taken of the Situation Room during the raid, the screen that Hillary Clinton was watching while gasping with her hand over mouth and that everyone else is staring so intently at, was as blank as all their laptop monitors.
Oh well. Just because there's a complete blackout of the video feed doesn't mean they had to waste a perfectly good opportunity to stage a photo for consumption by the naive masses. The packaged propaganda just wouldn't have been complete without it.
Caution: Graphic images ahead
The next photo on our list is the 'head shot' image that the main stream presstitutes ran with. Luckily for Obama, it wasn't the White House that released this image.
Immediately after becoming aware of it, alternative media radio stations and web sites were screaming foul, but big media ran with it anyway. The image was a sloppy Photoshop merge of OBL and a picture of a middle eastern man's corpse that had been circulating around the internet for at least two years.
The media was quick to pull the image from their web sites, but unfortunately several outlets had printed the picture in their actual newspapers and magazines. Whoops! I wont' spend any more time on this one except to say that the only people it seemed to have fooled were some congressman... and the main stream media.
May 3rd was the funniest photo day (until Saturday). Two photos began making the rounds that appeared to be night vision images of Osama bin Laden and his son's corpses after the raid. The media, once again, ran with it without a shred of investigation. These really caught my attention though because earlier that day, ABC News reported that Obama and national security officials were considering releasing photo evidence of bin Laden's corpse.
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Photo claiming to be a Navy Seal holding the corpse of Osama bin Laden. |
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Photo claiming the same Navy Seal holding Osama's son. |
Unfortunately, it only took me about 9 seconds to notice the blatant inconsistencies. It was almost immediately clear these were a fakes. First, the soldier's face holds the exact same expression in both pictures, only flipped. Then I noticed the bullet wound on "Osama's" head is above the right eye, not left as claimed by the White House. Then, the uniform. A clandestine Black-Ops raid wearing that uniform? I don't think so. It wasn't long at all before some highly observant person who had seen the movie, "Blackhawk Down" far too many times made the connection and posted it to the internet.
Wag the Dog, much? Dammit! For a myriad of reasons, I really want photos of OBL's corpse released.
As previously mentioned, May 3rd Obama told ABC that they were considering releasing photographic evidence of Osama's death. Well, I guess he slept on it because on May 4th, in an interview with CBS's 60 Minutes, he said that he decided against releasing the photos because, "It is important to make sure that very graphic photos of somebody who was shot in the head are not floating around as an incitement to additional violence or as a propaganda tool."
Unfortunately, Obama must have been busy reading his teleprompter because the very same day, extremely graphic photos of people who were shot in the head began floating around.
Okay, what's Obama's next reason for not releasing any evidence that OBL was killed on May 1st? I digress. More on that point later. There's more photo related fun to cover. That brings us to Saturday, May 7th. I opened my email to find that a friend had sent me a link with the subject, "You're gonna love this!" In it was a link to a UK news outlet called, 'Daily Mail,' published by Associated Newspapers Ltd., where images of Bin Laden's fifth wife, Amal al-Sadah, and her passport are proudly displayed. Yesterday, I naively hoped that the media and/or gov't had learned their lesson about hastily releasing unsubstantiated, faked, and/or staged images. This one is so clearly faked that I almost didn't include it. Have they completely lost their minds? I decided that it is worth posting since Amal al-Sadah is the wife that the White House officially claimed that, during the 40-minute raid (retracted) which ultimately culminated in a fire-fight with Osama (also retracted), he used as a human shield (also retracted). I suppose that's enough fun with Photoshop and staging propaganda photos. My original outline for this blog was to go to all the White House and CIA statements which have been proven false, retracted, restated, retracted again, found to be false, and, well, rinse and repeat time and time again. But as I was putting 'photos' portion of this post together, I got a phone call. Bare with me people, I'm writing this part on the fly... This afternoon, the Pentagon released a set of Bin Laden "home movies" to the AP, purportedly liberated from his mansion-hideout after the raid on May 1st. They claim the footage is of the terrorist king pin on camera in 2010. In the ultra-serious world of militant Muslim extremism, it's important to video tape the most wanted man in the world...watching himself on TV, right?. Your skeptical author immediately thought of The Washington Post article from almost exactly a year ago, where Jeff Stein, a longtime intelligence reporter, revealed that a CIA officer told him on the record, while chuckling at the memory, that he actually made a fake video showing Osama bin Laden and his cronies sitting around a campfire swigging bottles of liquor and savoring their conquests with boys. The actors were drawn from "some of us darker-skinned employees," [of the agency] he said. . These tapes are nearly identical to te footage first released by the DoD front gropu, SITE, back in late 2007 where Osama is donning the exact same robe, turban, and freshly dyed beard. As a matter of fact, the only difference I can find is the color of the backdrop, yet in other tapes, the background is the same as the '07 version. Anyone who has more than 90 seconds of video editing experience knows the importance of solid backgrounds. Here are pictures of OBL from the 2007 tape and the 2010 released on Saturday. Let's see if you can figure out which ones are which: Remember back in mid 2007 when a tape of Bin Laden giving a speech was released, and made front page headlines all over the world, as new footage that indicated an attack was imminent? Well, that footage turned out to have been filmed in 2001, released in 2002, and had also already been reported by main stream media as 'new footage' two other times. Here's a composite of the 2007 "New Footage" versus the footage released in 2002: It's worth noting that the organization that released the video 2007, SITE (and re-released by the White House on Saturday), is run by the daughter of a former Israeli spy and receives half a million dollars a year from the Pentagon. SITE has also been caught at least two other times releasing fake Al Qaeda tapes. The 2007 tapes, which I guess are now the 2010 tapes or the Navy Seal Raid Tapes of 2011, were featured in Wired Magazine in August, 2007, where "Neal Krawetz, a researcher and computer security consultant, gave an interesting presentation," where he demonstrated how he took an image from a 2006 al Qaeda video and proved the image was superimposed in front of the background - and was most likely videotaped in front of a black sheet. He went on to prove that the writing on the banner behind the terrorist's head was added to the image afterward. He then demonstrated that the IntelCenter logo was added at the same time, on the same 'layer' of the video, as the As-Sahab logo. What does all that mean? It means As-Sahab and IntelCenter are working together and as a media outlet for the CIA. Note that IntelCenter denied the assertion (see "Second Update" in same article) that the logos were on the same layer. Haha. I would too. IntelCenter rang a bell with me though, so off to google I went. There it was on the About Us page. Ben Venzke. Boy that name sounded familiar. Back to google. Eureka! He was the Director of Intelligence at iDefense, and worked with the Director of Threat Intelligence, Jim Melnick who served 16 years in the US Army and the Defense Intelligence Agency where, amongst other roles, he worked in psy-ops (psychological operations) for military intelligence with an emphasis on foreign affairs, and worked directly under Donal Rumsfeld (take a breath). I knew I recognized the names. Want to see his bio from the iDefense web site? Prior to joining iDefense, Mr. Melnick served with distinction for more than 16 years in the U.S. Army and the Defense Intelligence Agency. During this period, Mr. Melnick served in a variety of roles, including psychological operations, international warning issues with emphasis on foreign affairs and information operations and Russian affairs. He also served in active political/military intelligence roles with an emphasis on foreign affairs. Mr. Melnick is currently a U.S. Army Reserve Colonel with Military Intelligence, assigned to the Office of the Secretary of Defense. Mr. Melnick has been published in numerous military and foreign affairs journals, and has received numerous military and DIA awards. Mr. Melnick has a Master of Arts in National Security and Strategic Studies from the U.S. Naval War College, a Master of Arts in Russian studies from Harvard University, and a Bachelor of Arts with Honors in Political Science from Westminster College. I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried, people. So, we have IntelCenter, an offshoot of iDefense, which was staffed by a senior military psy-op intelligence officer who worked directly for Rumsfeld at the time the 2007 tapes were released, which were originally filmed in 2001 and released two times before the release as new footage 2007. Now, the same company releases a video in 2011 that was allegedly filmed in 2010 and seized by Navy Seals after killing Osama, but is actually the same footage in the 2007 tapes (or editing cuts from that release). My head is spinning. I'll have to revisit this topic in another post after I've had time to do some actual research on the matter and get my thoughts together. I've digressed enough. Back to Osama being killed on Sunday, May 1st, and our fumbling, flubbing, confused, media and government contradicting themselves in an effort to provide and follow an official narrative that holds water. All the quotes below are from the White House's official press office and, will be linked. No names were given as to who is doing the speaking, so all quotes below are exact quotes from a "Senior Administration Official." I'll first post the quote, then add any comments in red. Many of the corrections you will see in the following day's Press Briefing when Jay Carney gives the White House's version of the official narrative. But first, here's the briefing from Sunday, May 1st (after midnight, so it's dated May 2nd), given over the phone by the DoD: One woman was killed when she was used as a shield by a mail combatant. Two other women were injured. Later proven and admitted to be completely false. As the President said this evening, bin Laden was killed in a firefight as our operators came onto the compound. Later proven and admitted to be completely false. During the raid, we lost one helicopter due to mechanical failure. We don't know why the chopper had to be destroyed, but he does say, 'due to mechanical failure.' Question: What was the type of helicopter that failed? And what was the nature of that mechanical failure? He [Osama] did resist the assault force and he was killed in a firefight. False. They later admit that nobody in the room was armed and in fact only a few people in the entire compound were armed, and none of them inside the compound. How was there a firefight? May 2nd Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney and Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism John Brennan at 2:00 P.M. E Brennan Quotes: The concern was that bin Laden would oppose any type of capture operation. Indeed, he did. It was a firefight. He, therefore, was killed in that firefight and that’s when the remains were removed. Again, false. He states later that nobody in the room was armed, not even with a knife. But if we had the opportunity to take him alive, we would have done that. False. If nobody in the room was armed, they had every opportunity to take him alive. the President rejoined the group, and we were able to monitor in a real-time basis the progress of the operation from its commencement to its time on target to the extraction of the remains and to then the egress off of the target. False. CIA Director Leon Panetta later botches this story by telling the press that there was a 25 minute video blackout once the team reached the compound. We were able to monitor the situation in real time and were able to have regular updates and to ensure that we had real-time visibility into the progress of the operation. False. (Same as above). Thinking about that from a visual perspective, here is bin Laden, who has been calling for these attacks, living in this million dollar-plus compound, living in an area that is far removed from the front, hiding behind women who were put in front of him as a shield. Retracted. Nobody was used as a shield. Question: Could you hear shots fired? There was family at that compound, and there was a female who was in fact in the line of fire that reportedly was used as a shield to shield bin Laden from the incoming fire. Reversed by the DoD. Brennan, of the DoD, totally contradicts this statement the next day after the head of the CIA, Panetta botches the narrative. when there was the opportunity to get to bin Laden, she was positioned in a way that indicated that she was being used as a shield -- whether or not bin Laden or the son, or whatever, put her there, or she put herself there, but, yes, that's again, my understanding that she met her demise, and my understanding is that she was one of bin Laden’s wives. Again, they later reverse this fable. May 3rd, after the 'fog of war' had cleared, Jay Carney held a Press Briefing and gave the official, scripted narrative, written by the DoD, to which they have had two full days to compose. They [the raid force] were engaged in a firefight throughout the operations, and Osama bin Laden was killed by the assaulting force. False. It is later revealed that almost nobody in the compound was armed or fired on the team. In the room with bin Laden, a woman -- bin Laden’s -- a woman, rather, bin Laden’s wife, rushed the U.S. assaulter and was shot in the leg but not killed. Bin Laden was then shot and killed. He was not armed." True. Neither of them were armed and the woman was shot in the leg more likely while fleeing. I just can't see an unarmed woman bum-rushing a heavily armed special forces squad. The deceased’s body was washed and then placed in a white sheet. The body was placed in a weighted bag; a military officer read prepared religious remarks, which were translated into Arabic by a native speaker. After the words were complete, the body was placed on a prepared flat board, tipped up, and the deceased body eased into the sea." This narrative is one of the few that stays consistent, but it just reeks of BS. The resistance was throughout. As I said, when the assaulter entered the room where Osama bin Laden was, he was rushed by one individual in the room, and the resistance was consistent from the moment they landed until the end of the operation." Again, false. It is later revealed that nobody in that room was armed in any way. Q Okay. But it’s still believed that a wife of Osama bin Laden was shot --Later in the discussion after some talk about raising the debt ceiling, then returning to the Osama narrative... MR. CARNEY: I apologize. Even I’m getting confused. In the room with bin Laden was bin Laden’s wife. She rushed one of the U.S. assaulters and was shot in the leg but not killed. A woman on the first floor was killed in the crossfire.Later... Q In the narrative, which of those women was being used a human shield as Mr. Brennan suggested yesterday? Carney then quotes Obama from an interview with CBS 60 Minutes concerning the release of the photographs of the deceased Osama bin Laden. I'll post the President's answers in their entirety because the media is already misquoting this: Question: Did you see the pictures? From here, Carney fields a couple of relevant questions, but he refuses to address them and refers the reporters to the Pentagon and State Department. But, then the question of photos comes back up and it gets fun again. Q And then, I know you answered this, but can you clarify -- you said no visual evidence at all is going to be released, including video or anything of that -- But, Panetta just can't stop botching the DoD narrative. Q And to follow on Ben’s question earlier, when CIA Director Panetta spoke both to NBC and to lawmakers on the Hill, he was pretty clear that it was a question of when, not if, the photos would be released. So was he misinformed, or was he overruled? And what -- If you have been following this story via the main stream media, you're certainly confused. They've posted and printed faked photos of Osama's corpse over and over again, and a staged 'situation room photo,' by the White House. But, I almost feel sorry for them. They're getting one version of the story from the CIA, a drastically more dramatic version from the DoD, and yet another candy-coated 'spun' version from the White House. No wonder everyone's head is spinning. Well, let me clear up why there's so many different versions. Because all versions of the story are largely works of fiction. I have little doubt there was a raid by special ops in Abbottabad, and I doubt they meant for that chopper to require destruction, but I do have serious doubts about Osama being there. What the President said is absolutely accurate, "The fact of the matter is you will not see bin Laden walking on this Earth again." Damn straight. The problem is, he hasn't walked the Earth in nine years, so unless he resurrects, Obama's statement couldn't be more true. Regardless of whether Osama has been dead six days or nine years, we cannot allow what I believe Osama's death represents for our immediate future. At first, I have to admit I was a bit unsure of which direction they were planning to take this. As the week unfolded, the agenda became more and more clear. They are going to use this news to rapidly expand their agenda to totally destabilize that region. It seemed for a while that Syria was next on our hit list. The patterns were all there. It seems now, however, their sights appear to be set on Pakistan. The trouble is, the gov't knows that there will be little to no support for military action in Pakistan, so they must have something up their collective sleeve. Maybe drumming up some patriotic fervor?. If some fear-tainted revenge was coursing through the hearts of patriotic Americans again, they'd have the support they need to further pursue their agenda. With that noted, I request that we all keep a keen eye out for False Flag patterns and if a major terrorist event occurs against the US, or the UK, and blamed on Al Qaeda operating with the knowledge and/or support of Pakistan (or Syria for that matter), we immediately recognize it for what it is; real terrorism carried out by elements within our own government who stage a secret operation whereby forces and/or assets attempt to inflict mass casualties by attacking their own military or civilian population. If they manage to get us in to Pakistan without our support, we are in for an enormous wake up call. A war with Pakistan could very well trigger World War III. Pakistan is not some crippled, weak, 3rd world nation. They are a highly motivated, passionate, heavily populated nation with substantial nuclear capability and a military with a deep sense of unity and the seventh largest in the world in terms of total troops. Though they have roughly half the total military personnel as the U.S., their military is not deployed all over the globe. Nearly 100% of their military is right there in Pakistan. Food for thought, at least, eh? In my next post, I will go in to great detail about how I've come to the conclusion that Osama has been dead since late 2001, or early 2002. The information and extremely reliable sources are shocking. |
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