STFU! I'm Trying to Watch a Movie!
In Austin, We Just Throw You OUT!
In Austin, We Just Throw You OUT!
It doesn't matter how important you think you are. It doesn't matter how much of the male population wants to do you. When it's time to watch a movie, STFU!! That means turn that cell phone OFF. You know; that thing you think the world revolves around (other than you)!
My hat(s) off to the Austin Alamo Drafthouse for throwing a highly annoying peron out of their theater so the other 150 people didn't have to continue to listen to the most important person in the world.
I LOVE Austin and I love the Alamo Drafthouse. For the past ten years, every movie I've seen in a theater has been at the Alamo. Why? If you need an answer to that question, it means you haven't been there yet.
So, apparently, what I can only assume is a high school or college aged white girl was warned repeatedly to stop texting during a movie. When she failed to realize that in this particular theater, the world did not revolve around her, they threw her out!
But, that didn't stop the world from revolving around her. No, sir! She marched straight out to her Daddy's BMW and filed a Voicemail complaint.
Thank you, Daddy's girl for filing this voicemail complaint. I'm actually going to go to the Alamo Drafthouse tonight and see [insert movie title here because it doesn't matter] JUST to see how they turned your little pathetic world in to a Public Service Announcement about how NOT to act in a theater!
I love how she starts by saying she was using her phone for light to find her seat.. but a few drunken slurs later, she unintentionally admits that she was texting. I'm guessing she was talking and being 'that girl,' in the theater. Bummer for her boyfriend though. Had he made her leave the phone in the car, he might have been able to stuff something in her mouth to shut her up for a while..
I'm not paranoid -- just a student of history...

The views expressed in this blog are mine, and should be yours as well.
If you disagree, know that you are wrong and be okay with that.
Great article Tom and as always entertaining! You r an amazing writer!
and that is all the things that are wrong with americans in one minute forty seven seconds LMAO wow.
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